Christ Our Advocate by John Bunyan
“AND IF ANY MAN SIN, WE HAVE AN ADVOCATE WITH THE FATHER, JESUS CHRIST THE RIGHTEOUS.” I JOHN 2:1 Christians too little concern themselves, as I have said, with the offices of Jesus Christ; and therefore their knowledge of him is so little, and their faith in him so weak. We are bid to have…

A Prayer for the Children
Father, hear us, we are praying, Hear the words our hearts are saying, We are praying for our children. Keep them from the powers of evil, From the secret, hidden peril, From the whirlpool that would suck them, From the treacherous quicksand pluck them. From the worldling’s hollow gladness, From the sting of…

A Hymn of Prayer
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare: Jesus loves to answer prayer; He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay; Therefore will not say thee nay. Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions with thee bring; For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much; None can…

Testimony of Abel
Children have a lot to teach us. Their hearts have not yet hardened in unbelief like the hearts of adults. God used my six-year-old nephew, Able to show me what child-like faith looked like. Before taking a trip to Nigeria, I had asked my nephews to pray for me. I was taking a suitcase of…

Spurgeon on Prayer: “Go again seven times.”
1 Kings 18v43 Success is certain when the Lord has promised it. Although you may have pleaded month after month without evidence of answer, it is not possible that the Lord should be deaf when his people are earnest in a matter which concerns his glory. The prophet on the top of Carmel continued to…